Need help with your 2024 dreams and goals?

The 2024 affirmation calendar is sold out but that doesn't mean you can't be part of the 'one day at a time' experience.

With the 'one day at a time' Goal Planner you will be able to set your goals for the year, build a plan to make them happen and make your vision board with additional resources.

This is its 4th edition and it has already help lots of women to transform their year to TAKE ACTION,

Get yours today

Stationery products designed to inspire you to make your dreams happen, one day at a time.

Hola and welcome to this colourful world made for dreamers!

I believe that life starts when you start chasing your dreams because that's what happened to me ten years ago when I emigrated to the other side of the world.

Since then I've been wanting to inspire more people to do the same and share with them all the tools and inspiration that help me in my journey.

I started this community and my first products in 2020 and my goal is to continue designing new collections and connecting with as many dreamers as I can.

I hope you enjoy my products and that they can bring you closer to your goals and dreams.
